With this guide, You Get Answers to These Important Questions
VDA Lookback Periods -- How much are penalties and interest in each state?
Sales Tax Economic Nexus States -- What are the thresholds dollar-wise and transactions?
State Income Tax Economic Nexus States -- What are the thresholds dollar-wise and transactions?
What States Automatically Register You For Income Tax -- Certain states automatically open income tax accounts for you, many do not. Learn the states to avoid, if possible.
Notice and Reporting States -- When did they start this practice?
Notice and Reporting States -- What are the penalties for not complying?
What are the FBA States and Why? -- Is it because of inventory or other reasons?
Statute of Limitations -- How many years can they go back if you’re already registered?
How Far Back Do States Go? If you don’t register, how far back will you owe?
Earliest date of Amazon FC -- When did Amazon start there?
Tax Rate in Each State -- You need this to calculate possible exposure.
What About Exemptions -- Which States exempt clothes, food, or dietary supplements?